Silent Unity
The Silent Unity Prayer Ministry has been praying with people seeking spiritual support since 1890. In the sacred space of the Prayer Vigil Chapel, located beneath the light beaming from the cupola of the Silent Unity Building at Unity Village, all prayer requests are enfolded in prayer. The 24/7 prayer ministry—which responds to prayer requests via telephone, postal mail, an online request form and via the free uPray mobile app—serves people of all faiths from all parts of the world. You are welcome to call anytime you would like someone to pray with you for comfort or in celebration.
There is no charge for this connection. The phone number is 816-969-2000, and the web address is
Prayer Box
The prayer team at UBB prays over each prayer request received in the prayer box at the back of our sanctuary for 30 days. The requests are then forwarded to Silent Unity, where they are prayed over for an additional 30 days. All prayer requests are considered confidential.
Sample some spiritual resources from Unity:
Twelve Powers
Power for February: Strength
Apostle: Andrew
Area of body: small of the back
Color: light green
Strength—The ability to endure, stay the course, persevere.
Affirmation: I have the strength to accomplish all that is mine to do.
Learn more about The Unity 12 Powers.
Have you ever noticed that when we focus on a problem, it seems to grow? Luckily, the same thing happens with our blessings. This is because what we focus on expands.
The 2025 Unity Calendar, A Year of Blessings, will help you live more intentionally by focusing on the beauty and positivity that abounds. You’ll enjoy:
Use the affirmations in your new calendar to claim what you want to be—confident, whole, prosperous—and share the blessings you represent with the world. Request your free copy (print or downloadable).
Love, Play, and Animal Chaplaincy
If you ever need a conversation starter, ask someone whether they have a pet. Chances are they do and will tell you all about it. With pictures. Half the people in the world live with pets, including two-thirds of Americans and even more in Central and South America. There are far more American households with pets than children. Dogs, cats, fish, birds, assorted reptiles, even guinea pigs and hamsters work their way into our hearts.
They also teach us spiritual lessons if we pay attention. In this booklet, you will read stories from New Thought writers reflecting on the wisdom of their pets. Pets can teach us love, forgiveness, play, and certainly how to be happy in the present moment. You will also learn about a fairly new branch of ministry called animal chaplaincy and about the Rainbow Bridge we have built at Unity Village, Missouri, to honor pets who have passed on.
When we open our hearts, we can be blessed, enlightened, amused, and comforted by our non-human friends. We hope these stories (and yes, pictures) will entertain you and touch you as you consider the importance of the many creatures with whom we share the planet.
Request your free copy (print or downloadable).